The core mechanics revolve around two key areas: skill checks and creating Manifestations.
Characters have 6 core stats, called Cores, and these for the basis of all skill checks – times when you roll a dice to see the outcome of whatever your character is wanting to do. Additional to this are Specialities, which show what your character is best at, and what they are trained to do. Wandering’s Call is a dice pool system, with “pips” representing skill level, and therefore how many dice you roll. More dice rolled = a better chance of succeeding.
Manifestations are the “spells” of the magic system in Wandering’s Call. You use up your valuable Soul Power to create both internal and external effects. Manifestations are more powerful for you if they relate to how your powers awakened within you, and you can pour more and more power into Manifestations to create terrifying effects. Be careful, though – using up your Soul can have…difficult….side effects.
Create huge fireballs, stop bullets mid-flight, climb sheer walls, mind-control people – and so much more.
The system has been gone over meticulously to ensure it is streamlined and set up for seamless and uninterrupted gameplay and roleplay. If you don’t want to do any maths in your tabletop games, then Wandering’s Call could be for you! Well. Unless counting the number of 6s rolled on a bunch of dice is classed as maths…
The mechanics of the system provide a framework to create a game to your liking, to provide a fair way to rule on what happens, and to provide direction and reduce chaos for when the action really kicks off. It uses only one type of dice too – the one most people usually have lying about – the D6, or six sided dice.
Not much at all! Every player should have a character sheet, some six-sided dice, something to write with and something to write on. Not every player needs a Core Rule Book either, but we recommend there are a couple on the table to look up anything you need while playing.